Group Coaching - Adults

Adult Tennis Coaching


Hectorville Tennis Club in Fisher Street at Magill

Group Coaching  Adults

There are a number of Group Coaching/training sessions for Adults on offer so come out and join us to update your tennis skills or learn to play in a relaxed atmosphere. 

The cost is $15 per person per session.

  • The regular sessions are now at the following times  at the Hectorville Tennis Club in Fisher Street at Magill
  • Wednesday evening Group Coaching/training from 6.30-7.30 pm weekly for Men and Women
  • Saturday Morning Group Coaching/training from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm weekly for Men and Women
  • Sunday Morning Group Coaching/training from 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm weekly for Men and Women

The sessions listed above cater for Adults who are beginners through to the Adults who have played before and would like a refresher or to develop new skills

Private Coaching – Adults

There are also some times available for Private coaching lessons for 1-2 pupils

OR a lesson or Lessons can be organised for your team so that you can train and play as a team. 

Contact me if you would like to join any of the above training sessions or require any further information re Group Coaching or private lessons for Adults.

Register by Email 

Steve James

Mobile 0403 184 383

HEAD Coach
Hectorville Tennis Club